2月15日至2月29日,白银市第一人民医院外语协会积极响应院党政向全院党员干部职工发出共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情的号召,弘扬志愿服务精神,为新冠肺炎疫情防控工作汇聚力量。外语协会28人主动投身志愿服务活动,负责公共区域高频接触点如电梯按键、门把手、开关等清洁、消毒工作,并在用餐时间及时为全院工作人员送去热气腾腾的饭菜,外语协会全体成员用不同的方式齐心协力抗击疫情,给这场没有硝烟的“战役”增添了一份温情。 The Foreign Languages Association responded positively to the call of the party and government of the hospital to party members and workers in the whole hospital to fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia from 15th,Feb to 29th,Feb, developed and expanded the spirit of voluntary service, gathered strength for the prevention and control of the epidemic of novel coronavirus pneumonia,28 members actively engaged in voluntary activities. We were responsible for the cleaning and disinfection of high-frequency contact points in public areas, such as elevator buttons, doorknobs, switches and so on, and timely sent hot meals to the staff.All the members of the Foreign Languages association are working together in different ways to fight against the epidemic, sending warmth to the "battle". 外语协会成员为抗击疫情,自创英文诗歌,用简单的字眼表达浓烈的感情,用一句句短诗谱写出最真诚的祝福。
新冠肺炎疫情防控工作正处于关键时期。我院各级领导干部、党员模范带头,医护人员舍小家、顾大家,主动请缨,毅然决然告别亲友同事,奔赴武汉疫情一线,在前线战场拼搏奉献,救死扶伤,敬佑生命。一群志愿者们在后方默默付出,我们共同战斗为的是人民的健康。 Currently we are at a critical stage of the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia work. The leading cadres and party members at all levels of our hospital serve as the vanguards. Medical staff sacrifices individual interests for public benefits and to care for patients. They resolutely say goodbye to their relatives, friends and colleagues, initiatively apply to go to the epidemic front line in Wuhan, to work hard in the front battle field, to save lives and protect lives. A group of volunteers dedicated silently and selflessly behind. We fight together for the health of the people.
疫情还在继续,防控工作仍在路上,坚信全国在各级领导的坚强带领下,万众一心,和衷共济,用科学有效的方法针对疫情进行强有力的防治,我们终将赢得这场“战役”的胜利! As the epidemic situation continues, the work of prevention and control is still on the way. We believe that under the firm leadership of governors at various levels, as long as everybody unites together as one,with strong scientific and effective methods to prevent and control the epidemic, we will certainly win the victory of the "war".